The grass is much greener so fresh and untouched
You glance at the memory when yours was as such
Considering landscapes around you are spent
You run to the Summer of your discontent

The grass becomes greener the longer you stare
A blossom much brighter than all in your care
They yearned for your nourishment; you gave despair
And thus without petals they cannot compare

The grass growing greener while your flowers thirst,
One for each time you have dived in headfirst,
For you they each promised a life more attained
But why save those souls when there’s more to be gained?

The grass is much greener the further you fall
While browning small plants through your memory crawl
When will you notice? When are you sure?
A flower, when cared for, will be the most pure.


My cousin asked for poetry on his wall for one day only from his friends and family.  I posted a silly one but have felt this theme swirling around my head a bit… lo and behold his invitation arrives and I have another reason to do something with it.  I started seriously thinking about it in the car on the way home and compiled it directly on Jason’s wall. 🙂

It is simple, I used deliberate clichés, there’s stuff in there if you want it.

And in case you’re curious, here’s my nonsense rhyme which I posted on his invitation first. 🙂

The average speed of an unladened swallow?
Answer it wrong, to the chasm you follow!
In the process you earn the face of George Gallo!
“Nothing can save you, except for my game show
You can win passage while driving a Renault!”
Covered in bear fur and filled up with gateau?
What a weird sight, you strange little fellow.


Cheers for the inspiration to do this again Jason, it’s been quite a while.